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Math on the Go: Mother's Day Edition


 From managing finances, calculating the time and distance between school, home and violin class to not needing a measuring cup to know how much water a recipe requires, a mom knows all the math to run a family. If there's anyone that does math on a daily basis without even realizing it, it's got to be someone that fills the role of being a mother. 

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When it Comes to Girls and STEM: Learning Environment Matters

My first job after immigrating to the United States was as a mechanical/software engineer for a small engineering company. At the time, it was a company of five engineers, all male, and a female accountant and secretary - fairly standard demographics for 1989. Then, suddenly, the owner of the company decided to hire me - a 30-year-old female mechanical and computer engineer from the Former...
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The Implicit Discouragement: Raising Savvy Math Girls

The rallying cry is beginning its slow crescendo. In her brilliant piece, "Calling all Moms, stop saying that!" Nicole Bryan discusses how frequently we moms discourage our girls from pursuing math without meaning to. Kelly Wallace expands on the same, citing renound academic Jo Boaler and her experiences with "damaged" Stanford undergrads and grads - all wounded by the false assumption that math...

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