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Math on the go - Happy Pi Day!

What is better, a circle or a square? Happy Pi day!

It's Pi day today and everyone is preoccupied with problems about circles and circumference length. A circle, while appearing to be the simplest geometric shape, is also both fascinating and important. Let’s take a closer look at the incredible properties of a circle. What makes it so special? Is it, say, “better” than a square, and while we...

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Math on the go - Math Around the Clock

On New Year’s Eve all eyes will be on the clock! Whether in New York City, Tokyo or London – people all over the world will be watching the minute hand as it ticks closer to midnight. During this time, we gather around the beautiful clocks and the towers that hold them. Take a look at some well-known clock towers shown here. Can you name all of them or just some? Do you know why they are famous?

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Math on the go - Pre-K Special Holiday Edition

The holidays are upon us… Can we fill our children’s hungry minds with exciting discoveries just as we fill their bellies with delicious holiday meals? Of course we can!

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Math on the Go: Symmetry of the Season

Snowflakes, Snowmen and Sweets! We find ourselves in the midst of the winter holidays, with all their glorious splendor. Hanukkah menorahs have been lit, there are Christmas trees to decorate, cookies and pies to bake, and potato pancakes to fry. For those of us in colder climates, there are snowmen to build and snow angels to make!

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Math on the go - Challenge Edition: Are we there yet?

Thanksgiving is close, and everything is ready for a long-awaited for family vacation! You hit the road on Wednesday afternoon, and set off for a several-hour journey. Soon enough, you find yourself and your exhausted offspring trapped inside the car in traffic, with hours to go.

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