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The Implicit Discouragement: Raising Savvy Math Girls

The rallying cry is beginning its slow crescendo. In her brilliant piece, "Calling all Moms, stop saying that!" Nicole Bryan discusses how frequently we moms discourage our girls from pursuing math without meaning to. Kelly Wallace expands on the same, citing renound academic Jo Boaler and her experiences with "damaged" Stanford undergrads and grads - all wounded by the false assumption that math...

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Math On the Go!

Family life is busy. But wouldn't it be great to fill those few minutes we have of our child's undivided attention - while driving to activities or making dinner - with a fun intellectual activity? We think so too. That's why we've created 'Math on the Go:' a list of three to five math activities that we'll provide every few weeks that you can do as a family.

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A Guide to Math Competitions

Students of all ages can benefit from participating in math competitions. Competitive, timed tests allow children to showcase their knowledge and compare themselves to their peers. Taking part in these olympiads also generates pride among students in the level of math knowledge that they've attained. And regular participation in math competitions can also be a boon for future college...

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The Problem with Problems

Problems have a bad rap. Facing a sudden problem disturbs our life routine, takes time and effort from things we like or have to do every day, and forces us to focus on the unpleasantness of solving something difficult in order to remove it and move on.

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Math Anxiety, Math Fatigue, Math...What Else?!

There is a prevailing public sentiment that math is something to be feared. Many adults readily admit their aversion to the subject, proclaiming a proclivity for literature or the arts instead. This math anxiety begins in childhood, as early as first grade and is compounded through a child's personal history of math fatigue and negative experience in math classes. No adult in their sane mind...

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