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The Virtues of Down-Time

There is a noticeable trend among today's parents to keep their children of all ages busy with structured activities at all times. Sports, crafts, clubs, after-school classes, tutors...all of these follow each other in an endless hamster wheel of activity. Then, hours of school homework leave neither place nor time for leisure, genuine curiosity, or...boredom. 

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Math Anxiety, Math Fatigue, Math...What Else?!

There is a prevailing public sentiment that math is something to be feared. Many adults readily admit their aversion to the subject, proclaiming a proclivity for literature or the arts instead. This math anxiety begins in childhood, as early as first grade and is compounded through a child's personal history of math fatigue and negative experience in math classes. No adult in their sane mind...

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Why Does Math Matter?

Why do children - particularly those who don't show any special affinity or aptitude for mathematics - need anything more than a standard mathematical education? If a child is clearly not headed for a STEM career - does math really matter?

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