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Free Time: The Lost Extra-Curricular Activity

“Leave the house and don’t come back until dinner.” Such was the description of my daily extracurriculars as laid out by my mother. She was an incredibly loving and devoted parent. But as other parents of the time, she felt comfortable leaving her three children to their own devices while taking care of what she needed to at home. And to this day I remember those few hours between school and...

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Getting Girls Into Math

Young girls and young boys behave differently. My two decades as a math teacher, and many more years as a parent of both a boy and a girl have proven this for me definitively. Mass culture supports those differences, sometimes in negative ways. And for parents who hope to keep the world of STEM open and interesting to their young daughters, that can pose the occasional challenge, writes Dave...

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The Main Difference Between Weak and Strong Students

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Worrying About College: How Early is Too Early?

Competition for colleges today is at an all-time high. And every parent wants to avoid the “junior-year rush”: the sudden realization that college is around the corner, followed by the hurried frenzy to pack their kids’ resumes with extra-curriculars, leadership accolades, and hours of community service.

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5 Ways to Complete the "RSM Triangle"

No kid likes the concept of sitting in a stuffy room and staring down at a worksheet while a teacher with a funny accent shrieks excitedly about the brilliance of math. And we tend to agree, which is why we’ve delivered a different approach since our inception. Yes, many of our teachers have funny accents, but once a student walks into a classroom, they’re greeted by a supportive, fun, and...

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