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Navigating the New SAT

In March 2016, the redesigned SAT will be administered for the first time. You may be wondering why the College Board decided to redesign the SAT. Simply put, the SAT was redesigned to more closely align with high-school curricular standards and to provide a more accurate predictor of students’ college readiness. According to the College Board, the problems on the new SAT are designed to...

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3 Ways to Make Math Fun

People who do not associate the word ‘fun’ with ‘math’ rob themselves of an exciting world of math games, math thoughts and math view of life. They also lose an opportunity to help their kids develop their brain in a certain way (Studies have shown that one year of math brings about unexpectedly big changes in the child’s brain’s approach to problem solving.) You do not have to be a...

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Math Competitions

Math competitions provide a variety of benefits for students of all ages. For younger students, taking competitive, timed tests is great practice for the standardized college-entrance tests they will inevitably take in high school. They are an excellent skill building opportunity that can help students enhance their time management and stress management skills.

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5 Fun Summer Math Activities to Do With Your kids

Summer is a great time for math to enter your family life in a casual setting, without the stress of grades, homework, or commute. Use this time to fuel your child's interest in math. Children like to mimic adults, so if you find a math-related activity you yourself enjoy, your children will soon join in. Below are some of our suggestions for car-related activities, adding a bit of educational...

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Understanding the new SAT.

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