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To math, or not to math?

For about 40 years now, the prevailing approach for teaching mathematics has been to break math rules, methods, techniques, and procedures into smaller and smaller pieces, digestible for students within a class period. The assumption is that these spoon-fed pieces will eventually magically connect and unite into a solid and holistic ability to solve complex mathematical problems. The advent of...

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Why Does Math Matter?

Why do children - particularly those who don't show any special affinity or aptitude for mathematics - need anything more than a standard mathematical education? If a child is clearly not headed for a STEM career - does math really matter?

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Summer Time: To School or Not to School?

Finally! Summer is here: report cards and test scores have all been received, there’s no homework, and the past school year lies behind you, with all its commitments, deadlines, achievements, struggles, and failures.  Your child has been promoted to the next grade and does not have to attend a mandatory catch-up summer school. Now what?

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You Don't Have to be Gifted to be Good at Math

When your child was just beginning to walk and talk, and failed a hundred times before they were actually able to express themselves or maintain their balance, you didn’t think that walking and talking was not “their thing,” did you?

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Motivating Your Child to Study Math

We all struggle with motivating our kids to focus on mathematics. Mathematical concepts don’t always come easily, and their study often requires students to sit still for some amount of time - two factors that can awaken the stubbornness in young ones. Rather than butting heads, and surrounding math with a cloud of negativity as a result, try these 5 approaches to motivation:

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